30 August 2016

#SelamatHariMerdeka awak !

It was so hectic in clinic. But I managed to fit myself in. Alhamdulillah. I actually finished my practical in clinic, but yeah, dah dekat kan? So, whenever free, I'll be joining them. I said, it was freaking fun. (read:tired ) Hahahahaha.

No seriously.... it is fun.

Mak and ayah are off for Hajj. Did I tell you guys about it? I posted in on Instagram and FB btw. By then, I am an incredible responsible eldest sister !
I need to check on my two brothers, fill up  car fuel so that they can use it when I am not home, arrange all the meet ups for my aunt and little bro and both my grandmas. I am a supergirl now, I feel it....
And I need to reschedule my rotation.... I was luckily chosen to be on rotation  during Hari Raya Haji and Hari Malaysia. They are going to be public holidays that mean nothing for me *criesflood*

Last time, when I was a junior, I secretly hoping that I will not be on my rotation during holidays cause it sucks to replace it.. (we already be on rotation during holidays few times walao so unlucky aa that group) but seems like, Allah has better plan... and I am hoping that I can accept it wholeheartedly. *criesapail*

And it worse, as my mom and dad are not here to look for my brothers. A sister here wuuhuu is not really confident that her two brothers are fit to be on their on feet. But guys, please pray for us !

It is been a post with complaints and sighs. Yea, I know. To blog a frustration is not good, hence the title today ! Aha. Today... yes, it is still 11.23 pm when I type this. So it is not merdeka day but we called it #AmbangMerdeka

A merdeka for me, is having a holiday.... and a plan to bake !

Okay guys.. I am going to bake again for those in the clinic ! And the day after tomorrow will be one of the staff''s birthday, so we gonna have a celebration?

To be honest, I will miss to be in my practical again.... I learnt a lot... despite knowledge that I gained, I get to know people. Some are extremely awesome cum the best person I can put them in my list of people I look up for, some are gooood, oh God you made me met with good people to give me positive vibes, some are okayyy, likeee okay la. Not that bad to know... some (with my countable fingers) are meant to be a history, taught me lesson to face the future (just in case there are 10 x 10 people like this).
I'll miss how people tease me... how they treat me, how they make me feel like a family..... May Allah grant you happiness and success in your life !

Last but not least,

Whoever you are, think about a millionstone success..... aim the highest star..because once you fall, you don't fall to the ground straightaway, I believe.

That's how I define merdeka.... A dream that seems impossible to be achieved, yet an encouragement for you to get it. Though I am not yet to be in the line I said I am a successful person. I am creating my path to it.

Salam kemerdekaan... Semoga jiwa anda semua subur dengan hidayah, dengan usaha yang penuh tawaduk dan tawakal fillah.

P/S : I got parcel from Makkah, a jubah with blinks in arabic style. My mom said, it is baju tunang, whattttt??!! I hope it is not going to rip off before I get the chance to wear it, it's gonna take years guys TT
And I feel so alone, accidentally done my online shopping. Two palazzos and a fishtail top to be shipped to my house. Haiipp, I am being more girlish, don't get jealous okay?

Adios amigos
so many tired eyes typo, editted only in the morning. *keluarkanbarangbuatkekody*
I miss my family so much :')

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