31 August 2016

Too sweet to handle?

I am a single girl. No attachment, no commitment, no engagement DALAM DUNIA CINTA MANUSIAWI ANTARA LELAKI DAN PEREMPUAN.

But in my real life, yes, I do have commitmentS, I am engaged and attach anywhere there's hooks. Eh #failedjokes

Despite being single with no special boyfriend or potential husband, I still got people care for me. They are really Heaven sent for me from Allah. Syurga dunia orang kata. 

They are being sweet in their own way. 
Be it about feeding me good food.
Sending me off until my car disappear from their sight.
Come, car pooling with me.
Post about me on their Instagram and Facebook with warm wishes and du'as (I don't care the reason behind it. When it is, it is.)
Invite me on their wedding. 
Well, personally booking me on their special occasion....
The list goes long.

That minus my mom and dad. If it is about them, I'll write until my fingers numb... then I can't feel any circulation going on and it ends with both my hands are necrotized. Hua hua hua. #failedjokes #facepalm

I am talking about people around me with blood unrelated. 

They are too sweet to handle. I, sometimes cannot properly react against good deeds. I am shy. 
But what I can do is, continuously be their friends, respect their trust, be myself, thanks them, thanks to Allah for sending them through many ways I asked for. 

Even I do wrong in so many ways and times. Allah has always remember me, taking a good care of me, and I hope that will last long. I... am always walking in the true path. 

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