22 July 2012

Kali ini penuh makna.

"Ku berharap kan ramadhan,
kali ini penuh makna,
agar dapat kulalui dengan sempurna." -Raihan

Yes, alhamdulillah. Bertuah dapat jumpa ramadhan lagi. (",)
Salam alayk...

And when it comes , we promise ourselves not to miss even one night of terawih, witr, tadarrus, etc. Just like old days in school. Oh, hostel lives let me learnt everything about ibadah.

30 days of fasting. And this year will be fun. First time having ramadhan at home. :') I had been staying in hostel since I was 13.

I pray to be good & better :)

I've checked out the parts that I'm uncertain with. Here :
So true that adat & ibadah have vast differences. So, the dilemma 'Boleh salam ke tak?' ain't a big problem, right?

May this Ramdhan bring a bless... insyaAllah :)

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