05 May 2012

i do love to bake.nyawhh

hello peeps..
actually , bukan nak kecah kecah pasal aku dok rajin buat cupcakes laa ni.hewhewhew. *pliss..jangan shoot aku*
adehh.. this time those cupcakes are tempting and mouth watering. I had reduced the sugar. so, they are not too sweet. But me , hoooo..still sweet and cute. hikhikhik

why i love baking?

firstly : although it costs a lot of money , but bebehh.. my mom and dad support that kinda things. so , aku hanya sumbang tenaga la.. JIMAT..huhu

secondly : kalau korang menjahit.. in case of baju tu tak jadik , or langsir senget sebelah.. siapa nak guna, kan3? tapi... kalau baking.. (mestilah korang kena alert..takkan nak bagi kek hangus. tapi kalau hangus pun telan je la..) biar macam mana buruk bebeno ghupe mende tu.. korang tetap akan makan..dah sedap !!

thirdly : boleh berlagak berlagak (macam ni) EHH??


i do have faith in Allah. Whatever it takes, i won't regret. sebabnya..aku yang pilihkan untuk jadik macam tu. If I wanna burst into tears ke , it doesn't pay at all.. well...

let bygones be bygones

the significant things to be highlighted are... just go with the flow, don't cry over a split milk , life must go on and don't regret over your silly mistakes(your own silly things).
so, let the unimportant matters being kriukkriuk and throw them into the dustbin.. nyahhhh kau !!!

so , I pray.. Ya Allah..give me strength and courage to become better..amin :')

so , lemme end this post here. See , bukan nak kata berlagak pandai buat kek , ye dak? Entry sedih ni.. tapi , intro harus riang ria raya !!

malam ni Cerekarama ada Cahaya Iman . nak tengok nak tengok
mungkin sebab nak fight  Wawa Zainal vs Wawa Emran ?? ehhh???

ni wawa jugak..ngeh3

hahahhaa...ni kan sebab lighting..so, I am a little bit darker (tak aci !) plus , she put on her eye liner kot... while me.. muka mintak penyepak ke? kott..

regards , safwah

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